We’ve heard the term “deep state” – briefly define “deep state” to our audience.
Is Deep State related to current events?
Deep State is based on the premise that drug cartels and terrorism are, in part, funded by insurancefraud. Tell us about that – how do we know that?
Your main character, Jake McFarland doesn’t fit the typical profile of an insurance adjuster. Is he more of an insurance “investigator?” And do you embellish his role for the storyline or do some insurance investigators in real life get this involved in fraud investigations?
According to data, insurance fraud has reached $100 billion annually. How frequently are these fraud cases successfully prosecuted? And, are you suggesting there are formal ‘rings’ of people who conduct this kind of fraud or do you find this happens more on an individual-to-individual basis?
This is your second Jake McFarland crime thriller – but this one is special because you had a New York Times bestselling author assist you with Deep State? Who was it and how did they help you with this second installment?
Insurance appears to be a complex industry – but you’ve provided an answer column for people who might have questions, called Ask The Adjuster. If they go to your website, can they ask you questions about personal insurance issues? And, is this where they can find out more about insurance fraud, too?
Where can people go online to learn more about Deep State?